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Manuel Messerig

Video & Board Game Night

It’s that time again, this Friday, 7 June we are organising another Video & Board Game Night and this time back at MMCI E1.7. You can expect several game consoles in the Foyer, on which you can play Mario Kart, Just Dance, Smash or whatever you feel like playing. We will also continue to use the seminar rooms for board games so that you can let off steam undisturbed. Furthermore, a big round of Werewolf is planned at 9pm, which is a perfect chance to get to know some new faces in a larger group. You are all welcome to bring your own games to give us a little more choice. As always, we’ll be ordering pizza at 8pm, so remember to bring cash if you want to join us and we’ll also be selling drinks on site for a small and fair price (but don’t worry it’s not compulsory to buy drinks from us – you’re welcome to bring your own). We look forward to welcoming you this Friday, see you there, your Student Council.

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This Friday the 10th of march at 6pm we will host our game night in the MMCI (E 1.7.). We have snacks and drinks and during the evening we will order pizza and more. You are welcome to bring your favorite board games or game consoles.

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Busy beaver award SS22

At the semester kick off event the student council hands out the busy beaver award. We congratulate Dr. Michael Schwarz for his basic lecture Foundations of Cyber Security II, Prof. Dr. Martina Maggio for her core lecture Embedded Systems, and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hack for his seminar Build an 8-bit Computer from Scratch. All winner of the previous semester can be found here

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Google Developer Club

Hello folks,our university got from now on a Google developer club, if you are interested and want to learn more, follow the link below.https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gdsc-saarland-university_developerstudentclubs-gdscsaarland-studentclub-activity-6980823591827185664-dTvT?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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Gamenight Software Engineering Lab

We know the Software Engineering Lab (SEL) is always a rough time for our students. To lighten up the mood, on this Friday the 09.09 after the SEL exam we will host a gamenight at the MMCI (E1.7). If you want, feel free to bring one of your favorite games with you.There will be snacks and drinks, also we will order food at 8 pm. Use this chance to meet some of your fellow students 😉 Here are the key information:When? Friday the 09.09 at 6pmWhere? MMCI E1.7 Hope to see you this Friday

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Gamesnight: Smash Tournament and Board Games

We are happy to announce that we are finally bringing back our past gamenights. That is, next Friday May 27th, at MMCI building (E1.7), we will host our long awaited gamenight starting at 6pm. We have rented the entire ground floor as our event venue. We listened to your feedback, so the rooms for Smash and board games are acoustically separated. We have 2 rooms for Super Smash Ultimate, including a tournament, and 4 rooms for board games, including 2 small ones for Werewolf and such. Board games will be available, but you are of course welcome to bring your own games. There will be snacks and drinks, plus pizza will be ordered during the evening. If you want to participate in the tournament, click the button at the end of the post to register. The tournament will be limited to 32 students so we can manage to fit it all on the same night. There will also be an entry fee of 5€ for the smash tournament, which will be used to fund the prizes for the top 3 players. The exact format (whether bo3 or bo1) will be presented in the evening depending on the number of participants. If you want to play with a Gamecube controller, you are welcome to bring your own; a docking station is available. See you next Friday 🙂

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Master StEP (Student introduction phase) 2022 Summer semester

Hey folks,as you might already know, our master student introduction phase for this summer semester is this weekend from the 9th to the 10th of April. This is where we will teach you everything you need to know to get a smooth start into your studies. In addition to that, we will teach you how to get around Germany and all the essential things you need to know. When? 9th to 10th of April Where? Online! For more information visit our website.

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Math for computer scientists 1 revision course

Dear Students, the Computer Science Students Council invites you to our MfCS1-revision course (“Repetitorium”), which will be held between March 28th and 30th. It’s a daily event from 14:00 to 20:00. The Repetitorium is a voluntary preparatory course for the re-exam on April 4th. During the Repetitorium, you have the chance to work together on new exercises and ask questions to our tutors. Furthermore, we will provide a preparatory exam on March 29th and discuss the solutions afterwards. If you want to participate, you can simply join our Discord-Server. You can find the link on the CMS-Webpage. Please fill out the Survey, which is published on our Discord-Server. Sadly, we can’t ensure that we are able to provide an English version of the Repetitorium due to limited resources. However, if you have any questions, feel free to write a a email to doering@cs.fs.uni-saarland.de. Discord Server:

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