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Adrian Dapprich

Studentcouncil christmas fair

As a meanwhile small tradition, there will our studentcouncil christmas fair take place on Wednesday, 20.12.2017 starting at 15pm in front of the auditorium of the UdS. Since panning in the Saarland must not be neglected even in winter, there will be mulled wine and punch, waffles, muffins and cookies, as well as slicers, sausages and grilled cheese. So come over and visit the participating student councils, we look forward to see you! 🙂 The profit of the studentcouncil christmas fair is donated. P.S .: If you are already there, then take a look at the auditorium! The parallel 24-hour lecture takes place there, with many interesting lectures.  

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Winter Party 2017

Also this year, we will launch a winter party, on Wednesday, December 6th, starting at 10 AM in the rooms of the students’ representative council (E1.3 room 1.09). As last year, we will offer (non-alcoholic) punch, crêpes and waffles and will create with some christmas spirit with some suitable music. Despites we offer all these for free, we would be glad to get some donations, which we will forward to 100 percent to the animal sanctuary “Gnadenhof Eiweiler”, which rescues old and ill animals and look after them. We look forward to see many of you at wednesday!

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Pub crawl

This semester we will again host a pub crawl together with the student councils SpraWiTech, Romanistik and Anglistik. Like stated above, we will meet on the 30th November at the bus station Rathaus at 18:30pm. Subsequently, we will start in the Ratskeller, where we will pay the first round and visiting at the following some more pubs, which will have special offers. Please register until the 26th November up to four persons on https://cs.fs.uni-saarland.de/kneipentour . We look forward, to see many of you! 🍻

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Breakfast on Thursday

The Students’ Representative Council will offer another brunch on this weeks’ thursday, 2017-11-16 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, to which we would like to invite you all. As always, there will be bread rolls, cheese, sausage, jams, Nutella and beverages such as tee, cocoa, juice and of course a lot of coffee. This time, we offer scrambled eggs with or without ham. For you, all of these will be offered for free. We look forward to see many of you

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Job Fair: FIT

On April 27th, we will host our annual job fair Firmeninformationstag (FIT) for students and graduates of the computer science program and related studies. Our goal is to establish a network between students and companies in computer science. Students can approach companies for an internship, whereas graduates can reach out to gather information about a possible career entry. Besides having the chance to get in contact with a broad selection of companies, we will hold a lottery with lots of interesting prizes! Of course, this is offered for free and no registration is required. More information can be found here. Impression from the FIT 2016: [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”13″ gal_title=”FIT 2016″]

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